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Garden Senses

Garden Senses scavenger hunt

This special sensory scavenger hunt is a great way to enjoy your garden or green space in a whole new way. Get your family and friends involved and see how many things you can find

Garden Senses

To get started you'll need:

  • Our downloadable checklist 

  • A pen or pencil 

  • A garden or green space to explore 

Garden Senses

How to start your sensory scavenger hunt

Step 1:  

Explore your garden and try to tune into all of the senses we learned about 

Garden Senses

Step 2: 

As you go, tick off each of the items on your check list – which of these can you see, feel, smell, hear or taste 

Step 3: 

Use the extra space on the back to describe or draw what you see, hear, feel, smell or taste 

Share photos of your garden senses scavenger hunt using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings and tag us.

Instagram - @dobbiesgardencentres

Facebook - @DobbiesGC

Twitter - @dobbies