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Potato sprouting experiment

Potato sprouting experiment

Would you like to have a go at sprouting your own potatoes? We’ll show you how!
These humble root vegetables are surprisingly easy to sprout at home – so let’s try this simple experiment

potato sprouting experiment materials

To get started you’ll need:

  • A potato with eyes
  • A large jar
  • Water
  • 4 x toothpicks
  • A bright windowsill


cut a potato

Let’s get sprouting!

Step 1:

Ask a grown-up to help you pick a potato from the kitchen. It should have "eyes" – those are little bumps on the surface

Step 2:

Cut the potato in half with the help of your grown-up

Step 3:

Find the side with more eyes and stick toothpicks around it to help it sit on the edge of the jar without falling in

Potato sprouting experiment

Step 4:

Place the potato half into the jar, with the cut side down

Step 5:

Fill the jar with water, but only enough so the bottom of the potato is dipped into the water

Step 6:

Put your jar in a sunny spot, like on a windowsill

potato sprouting

Step 7:

Check it every day – your sprouts should appear in about two weeks!

Step 8

Be sure to keep the water topped up, and change it if it gets cloudy


Once you’ve sprouted your potatoes, you could even have a go at planting them and watch other potatoes grow!

Step 1:

Find a big pot or a sunny spot in the garden with loose, well-draining soil

Step 2:

Gently plant it in the soil, making sure the sprouts are above the soil

potatoes started to grow

Step 3:

Add more soil around the sprouted potato, but don't bury the sprouts completely – leave them poking out a bit

Step 4:

Give your potato a good drink of water, but don't make it too soggy

Step 5:

Watch your potato plant grow! Water it when the soil feels a bit dry

Remember to share photos of your finished hyacinths using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings and remember to tag us!

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