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Houseplant of the month: succulents

Get to know June's houseplant of the month – splendid succulents!

Succulents are an umbrella term for a large range of unique, easy to care for houseplants perfect for first-time plant parents. If you’ve always wanted a home filled with lush foliage but maybe don’t have the time to care for them (or you’re a forgetful waterer...) then a diverse display of succulents is the perfect way to add greenery and interest to almost any room

While low maintenance, you still want to make sure you’re giving your succulent the correct care - keep reading to find out more information on different varieties, care tips and fun succulent facts


POPULAR succulents

The most exciting thing about succulents is their many interesting shapes, sizes, colours and textures. There are succulents which are green and pointy to ones that are furry and round – you can’t get a more diverse range of houseplants! With hundreds of varieties to choose from, such as household names like aloe vera, to lesser-known unique ones like Lithops (which look like flat stones), we’ve picked out some of our favourites to help you find one that suits your tastes:


There are over 350 species of plants in the Crassula genus of succulents! The most common Crassula that you’ve likely heard of is the jade plant, which is known to represent good fortune and makes a great gift. You can easily identify a Crassula as their leaves grow in mesmerising pairs of layered, symmetrical patterns. Like most other succulents, they are very tolerant to a bit of neglect  


This pretty succulent is popular for its rose-shaped leaves and bright colours. Echeverias’ leaves usually have pink, yellow, or reddish tips, providing a relief of colour amongst the regular green foliage of your other plants and succulents. They grow quickly compared to some variants and love lots of light


From afar, Sedum succulents look slightly bushy, but up close you’ll see they have clumps of waxy, chunky leaves. Sedums are another colourful succulent genus to add to your collection, this time providing colours of purple and yellow, as well as bright green and red - some varieties can even flower


Haworthia is a stemless succulent. They form clumps of pointy, tentacle-like leaves, similarly to aloe vera, and are usually patterned with small white nodules in the form of stripes or speckles. Haworthia is a slow grower and needs less light than other succulents


How to care for succulents

Succulents are tolerant to some neglect, but they’re not invincible! They still require ordinary plant care like the right amount of water, light and nutrients to thrive and survive.  Since succulents are so diverse and unique, some care requirements do vary – the best thing to do is check if your chosen succulent has any specific care needs. Here’s some general advice on how to look after your succulent:

Light: Since succulents are native to hot, arid climates, they can tolerate bright direct sunlight, but any sunlight will do as long as they're getting a few hours a day

Water: Less is more when it comes to watering succulents. They very rarely need watered, particularly in the winter. Keep an eye out for wrinkled leaves as a sign your succulents are getting thirsty

Humidity: Because of their desert origins, most succulents prefer low moisture and dry air

Temperature: It makes sense that since they’re sun lovers, succulents like high temperatures

Soil: Succulents need well-drained soil, with sand or perlite mixed in – make sure to buy a specific houseplant potting mix made specifically for succulents and cacti

Feeding: Once per month in spring and summer, your succulents will benefit from some liquid fertiliser made specifically for succulents and cacti

Repotting: As succulents are relatively slow growing compared to other plants, they won’t need repotted that often. Instead of repotting to a schedule, only do so when your succulent needs it (for example, when it becomes rootbound or outgrows its pot)



Almost every succulent loves the sunshine, so make sure to keep them in a nice bright, sunny spot in your home. While some can grow well in semi-shade, it’s best to keep your succulents near a windowsill or in a conservatory


Fun facts about succulents

  • Succulents store water in their fleshy leaves or stems, which is why they rarely need watered

  • Many succulents have medicinal or culinary uses – the most popular being aloe vera. Its gel is commonly used for treating sunburn, in many skincare products, and even sometimes as an ingredient in smoothies

  • Not all succulents are cacti, but all cacti are succulents! Succulents have thick, fleshy leaves, whereas cacti have spines, no leaves, and stores water in its stem

  • You may have noticed there’s a lot of different succulents to choose from – there are in fact 60 different succulent families and about 10,000 varieties!

  • The word succulent comes from the Latin word ‘sucus’, which means juice